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Labor Pains

The journey to success is arduous. Morning sickness happens on an entirely different level - there is nausea and repulsion with your own efforts and progress. Mental, financial, emotional, AND physical exhaustion will play huge parts in your process as well. Why endure?

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How do YOU define Success?

Life is full of noise and major distractions. Most people never allow themselves the time to cement who they are away from the stress of the facade, anxiety of criticism, and need to be included in the drama of everyone else's life.

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The Journey toward Freedom

The closer you get to the destination the more they seem to enjoy themselves at your expense. You're driving so much slower now; you are so very tired. Between the jokes and the long road you've all but given up and started thinking about going back yourself.

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Legacy - if you leave them less will it help more?

In a world where wage gaps are widening, the net worth of the wealthy is growing at an exponential rate, and being well-educated and unemployed is commonplace, won't there be more than enough hardship to face and lessons to be learned from them even if we leave our children all we can?

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